Elica, chaired by Francesco Casoli and led by CEO Antonio Recinella, has been active in the kitchen hoods market since the 1970s. With 3,800 employees and an annual production of over 20.9 million pieces, including hoods and engines, the Group has a production platform divided into seven factories in Italy, Poland, Mexico, India and China.
The long experience in the field, the great attention to design, research of materials and advanced technologies, which ensure maximum efficiency and reduction of consumption, are the elements that distinguish Elica on the market and have allowed it to revolutionize the traditional image of kitchen hoods: it is no longer a simple accessories but an objects with a unique design, able to improve the quality of life.
The social report tells the company’s successes, good practices, but also the important process of returning to the territory, examining the social aspects that connect the Elica group with its internal and external interlocutors.Its aim will be to make clear a strategic work hat contributes to the success of the company by strengthening its founding values. How can conventions be subverted for a different purpose or meaning? This was the initial project that shaped this proposal.The report was created to be an important marketing tool together with a way to convey a message of strong symbolic value.

The rhythm of the report is marked by the openings of the chapter. They were designed by following the concept previously described, "Make visible the invisible". The photographic language, associated with textual contents, aims to convey the feeling of being able to see the invisible. For this reason, photographic research has been focused on images that are little contrasted and ethereal, capable of transmitting feelings of lightness, purity and simplicity.
The visual language was divided into two parts: the first part was designed to highlight the main topics, the communicative register uses a "warm" tone that comes from the human language of everyday speech and that is concerned to create a bridge between the company’s talking content and the reader.

The second part deals with technical data and tables. In this case, the reinterpretation of some concepts and business flows in the form of infographics aims to facilitate the reading of content that usually passes in the background because they are often considered unattractive by the average reader.
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