Trystorming: Brainstorming 2.0 of Lean Thinking
Trystorming: Brainstorming 2.0 of Lean Thinking
Martina Brunetti - Marketing and Training
In one of our notes, we showed you how at Tonidigrigio we open ourselves up to change through Lean Thinking.
Among the 5 key principles of this thinking model, there is the Kaizen concept, that is the continuous improvement that leads to the positive change of work management and its methods, to constantly progress towards perfection. Trystorming is one of the creative approaches to encourage these innovative synergies.
What exactly is Trystorming?
"Trystorming is Brainstorming on steroids”, as defined by Bob Petruska of Sustain Lean Consulting. He attempted to demonstrate how this method is a true evolution of the well-known traditional model. In fact, if Brainstorming leads to the escape of new ideas or new alternatives, Trystorming puts them in place, tests them, gives action to the creative process, and concretizes what, in Brainstorming, was just envisaged and thought.
The principles
At the heart of Trystorming are concepts designed specifically to unleash creativity and give voice to all those ideas that would otherwise go unnoticed and could turn out to be true flashes of genius.
To be ready to implement this methodology we have to:
- find, during brainstorming, at least seven ideas.
- free our childish side, so that we can imagine without inhibitions.
- find inspiration from nature.
- avoid sharing our ideas right away. It is very important to try to wait until the ideas are fully formed in our minds so that they are not influenced or diverted by the opinions of others.
- combine different ideas together to create an improvement process.
How to: giving life to a Trystorming
To unleash a perfect storm, follow these steps:
1) Stay focused.
It is important to have clear in mind which areas we want to improve or which project we want to develop. The fundamental question to ask is: What is my current goal?
2) Put ideas on paper.
In this phase, which can be defined as the brainstorming moment of this method, you must start to give life to your ideas by writing, drawing, and visually representing them so that they might be realized. It is essential that, during this moment, the atmosphere is relaxed and allows ideas to flow freely. Another aspect not to be forgotten is that each participant must have at least 7 ideas on paper at the end of the brainstorming session.
3) Narrow down.
The 7 ideas from the previous phase should be reduced to 2-3. Before making the choice, it is necessary to specify what are the key features for that idea to be successful (originality, limited costs, level of complexity, etc.) and to evaluate the various ideas in the light of these criteria, so that only the best ones remain on the table.
4) Test. Try.
Once the best ideas have been chosen, the real Trystorming begins. As we said, this technique allows us to give even more body and substance to the mental process, creating real prototypes.
5) A good idea.
From 2-3 ideas to one idea. This could be the best choice, but it could also present itself as a combination of the various ideas previously selected.
6) Keep it safe.
It means continuing the Try process, while trying to keep the established contents and objectives confidential for those outside the team.
7) Continue to improve.
When you get the winning idea or project, you have to keep working to revise and improve it, just according to the Kaizen principle.
Reasons to unleash the “storm”
The primary idea behind this method of creative growth is to provide people the freedom to experiment. This way of thinking has a number of positive aspects for the company that decides to adopt it, including:
- Trystorming is useful as a basis for change and innovation. Following this creative process, one can begin to think about which elements (of work management or work environment) can be improved.
- This method creates a safespace in which creativity can develop freely and in real time.
- It is a learning moment. Through Trystorming, team members have the opportunity to practise generating new ideas and improving pre-existing situations.
- It activates the out-of-the-box thinking. Fundamental to this activity is to avoid any form of psychological constraint: the mind and creativity must not be restrained but nurtured, so as to break out of established methods and rigid mental patterns.
Were you already familiar with Trystorming? Have you experimented with it in your own businesses? Are you curious to try it out? Send us an e-mail to and let us know what you think of this innovative method.
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